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Square Tubing Vs. Purlins: What’s Right For Your Build?

May 18, 2019 10775 Views

Square tubing and purlins are both popular types of structural support. On the surface, these materials look similar. So what is the difference between square tubing and purlins, and why might you want to work with one over the other? Keep reading to learn which supply is best for your project. About Square Tubing Square … Continue reading “Square Tubing Vs. Purlins: What’s Right For Your Build?”

Secure Your Home or Business With Steel Burglar Bars

April 17, 2019 1023 Views

We all know that protecting our property is important. But what kind of security measure is best for you? Burglar bars are a simple and effective way to protect any home or business. In this article, we’ll go over the basics of burglar bars and explain why this classic security measure is still so popular. … Continue reading “Secure Your Home or Business With Steel Burglar Bars”

Why Work With Steel Square Tubing?

March 22, 2019 983 Views

Tubing is used in a wide variety of construction projects. Whether you’re working on a residential or commercial build, you will most likely need tubing at some stage of the project. Most builders are aware of how useful steel can be during a construction job, but they might not think to use steel square tubing. … Continue reading “Why Work With Steel Square Tubing?”

Choosing Between R-Panels and U-Panels For Your Next Roofing Project

March 18, 2019 2958 Views

Choosing the right panels is a crucial part of any roofing project. Your panel choice will impact the look of your roof and different panels work best for different project types. R-panels and U-panels are both common for steel roofing projects. Below, we’ll discuss the difference between these two-panel types and the reasons why you … Continue reading “Choosing Between R-Panels and U-Panels For Your Next Roofing Project”

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